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Stefania Scapin

Harpist born in Padua (Italy) in 1992, Stefania begins the study of the harp at the age of eight years and after long years of study and sacrifices to achieve the stated goals is now entering into the world of work as a professional musician.

She graduated with full marks, distinction and honours in Harp Solo Performance at the Conservatory of Music in Udine and studied abroad at the Royal Academy of Music in London and at the Universität für darstellende Kunst in Vienna.

She performs mainly as a soloist but also with chamber music ensembles and orchestras. She also teaches music and harp in several schools in Florence, the city where she now lives.

She recently recorded her first music album with Andrea Manco, First Flute of the Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, focused on the French Chansons by Debussy, Faurè and Ravel.

She has now reached a turning point in her career as a harpist and needs to change her instrument, to buy a new harp!

A harp for Stefania

Why a fundraising campaing

Hello everyone,

I decided to launch this fundraising campaign as I reached a turning point in my career as a harpist and I need to change my instrument, to buy a new harp. The instrument with which I have been studying and working for years is a “student harp” – also quite old- and is no longer able to sustain the level of my performances and my musical research. The instrument I would like to buy costs around 27,000 euros, a very demanding sum for an artist at the beginning of his career.
For this reason I ask for the help of the people who are reading these words, with the aim of reaching about the half of this amount, which would already be an enormous and precious help for me.

I really thank everyone who will put even a small brick to build this great dream!

I am grateful to Life, every day, for the possibilities it gives me, for the people it makes me meet and to instill in me the necessary willpower, despite the daily adversities, to remain firm and strong in this bright and enriching road that is Music.

Heartfelt thanks!


Donor list


Mario Claudii Guacci | 311,80 €

Filippo C | 15€

Laura PT | 15€

Antonella Campagnolo | 156,04€

Anonymous | 15,86€

Gianfranco Licandro | 100€

Anonymous | 52,19€

Eva Winkelmann | 15,86€

Klaudia Kampusch | 21,05€

Giovanni Sorte | 15,86€

Michele Beraldo | 207,96€

Mario Claudii Guacci | 311,81€

Raul Alvarez | 104,12€

Christian Müller | 104,12€

Michele Beraldo | 50€


Od-Consulting, Ralf Grossmann | 207,96€


Here you will find messages from Stefania. 


Italian harpist, born in 1992. She started to play the harp at the age of eight and graduated with full marks, distinction and honours in Harp Solo Performance with Patrizia Tassini at the “Jacopo Tomadini” Conservatory of Music in Udine. In 2015 she graduated at the “Antonio Buzzolla” Conservatory in Adria with Cristiana Passerini and in the same year she won a scholarship to attend the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she achieved a Year-in Diploma with Karen Vaughan as teacher.

In 2017 she moved to Vienna in order to study at the University for Music and Fine Arts with Mirjam Schröder. Moreover, she attended the Postgraduate’s Courses of Fiesole School of Music with Susanna Bertuccioli and Luisa Prandina and perfected with several international harpists like Fabrice Pierre, Isabelle Perrin, Margherita Bassani, Park Stickney and Skaila Kanga.

In order to increase and enrich her musical research, she studied also with Stefano Battaglia at the Chigiana Academy and then at the University of Siena Jazz, within the Permanent Laboratories of Musical Research.
She had her debut in Budapest as soloist with the International Young Soloists’ Orchestra and played in many musical festivals and important hall in Europe as: Festival dei due Mondi, Teatro Barco, Musicainsieme, Mittelfest, da Firenze all’Europa, Strings City Florence, Musica a Villa Durio, Armonie della Magna Graecia, Museo degli Uffizi, Sala Bianca Palazzo Pitti, Teatro Argentina, Belvedere Museum, Konzerthaus, St. James Church Piccadilly, Kolarac Concert Hall etc.

She won different harp competitions, as “Premio delle Arti”, “Città di Treviso” International Music Competition, and “Abbado Music Prize”. She had the role of Principal Harp in the Italian Youth Symphonic Conservatories’ Orchestra, International Young Soloists’ Orchestra and Mitteleuropa Orchestra; she collaborates also with Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato in Italy. Since 2012 she has played in many different types of chamber music ensemble, like the Adria Harp Ensemble, the Royal Academy of Music Harp Ensemble, De Angelis Ensemble, Ventaglio d’Arpe Harp Orchestra and in duo with the percussionist Nazareno Caputo.

She has been selected among the Italian young musical talents to be part of the cultural association “Musica con le Ali” which is also supporting her discographic project with the First Flute of the Orchestra of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Andrea Manco. She teaches music and harp in private schools and high schools in Italy. Moreover, she graduated in Psychology at the University of Padova.

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